Channel 9 Site Redevelopment – Amended Plan – Community Consultation

Greetings to all on our contact list,

Channel 9 site redevelopment – community consultation sessions 25th & 26th May

Following the sale of the Channel 9 property, the new owners have now lodged a modified Concept Plan with the NSW Department of Planning (DoP).  The Planning Act allows them to do this.

The modified plan greatly changes the Concept Plan that was signed off by Channel 9, Willoughby Council (WCC) and the Planning Assessment Commission (PAC) in January, 2015, after much involvement of the local community, Progress Associations and the Willoughby Area Action Group.

The Land & Environment Court finally approved a maximum of eight storeys height with 400 apartments and 500 sq. m of commercial space.  However, while there are positive design aspects to the modified Concept Plan, the new plan is for increased height up to 12 storeys, and 510 apartments.

An Environmental Statement for the modified Concept Plan has been submitted to the DoP who will call for submissions from the community and WCC.
The developer’s Planning Consultant will run community consultation sessions to introduce and explain their modified Concept Plan:

Venue: Willoughby Uniting Church, 10 Clanwilliam St, Willoughby

Community information Session 1
Wednesday, 25th May, 5.30 – 8.00pm

Community information Session 2
Thursday, 26th May, 5.30 – 8.00pm

General enquiries: 1800 746 436, or email

It’s important that the community continues to be engaged in this development proposal and so we encourage all members of our community to attend one of these sessions.

Best regards,
