Greetings all,
Just to keep you in the picture, you may recall that on the 23rd September the Land and Environment (L&E) Court held a conciliation conference at the Channel 9 property. The conference was attended by Channel 9, the Planning Assessment Commission and Willoughby Council and their legal representatives. At this conference six members of the community addressed the L&E Court commissioner to represent the community’s view of the Channel 9 proposal.
The conciliation conference was adjourned after an initial exchange of views and information by the parties and the continuation is scheduled for the 12th December. The conference will be restricted to the three parties and members of the community will not be able attend.
Our next bulletin will be sent out as soon as we know the result, if any, from the conference. If the parties cannot reach an agreement the matter will be referred to an L&E Court hearing and this would be presided over by a different commissioner to the one who conducted the conciliation conference.
At this stage we can only keep our fingers crossed that there will be a favourable outcome from the conciliation conference.
Kind regards,