Greetings to all on our contact list,
Many of you will have received a letter informing you of the Channel 9 Conciliation Conference that will be held at Channel 9 on 23rd September 2014. If you made a submission to the public exhibition of Channel 9’s concept plan you should have received the letter. The Conciliation Conference is being convened by the Land & Environment Court with the objective of seeing if the parties to the Channel 9 appeal can reach an agreement.
Although the general public has been invited to attend the Conference, only 5 or 6 community representatives will be asked to speak. WAAG is helping Willoughby Council’s solicitor, Kings & Wood Mallesons, to co-ordinate the community speakers at the Conference.
The Land & Environment Court guidelines state that the preferred community speakers are those residents directly affected by the development, such as those living adjoining or directly opposite the development site. For us, this means that most of the community speakers need to live in either Richmond Ave, Walter St, Castle Vale, Artarmon Rd (opposite Channel 9), Edward St (adjacent to Channel 9) or in the Naremburn streets facing Channel 9.
The 23rd September conference will be held at the Channel 9 site commencing at 9.30AM. Speakers at this conference may be called up at any time from 9.30 to 11.30am to make their presentation
WAAG will assist speakers with their presentations and is convening a workshop to be held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 16thSeptember at *Northbridge Library, 258 Sailors Bay Rd, Northbridge to identify speakers and develop speaking material. We apologise for not having the meeting in a more local hall but none are available for this date.
You are invited to attend WAAG’s workshop if you’d like to speak at this conference, or are interested in hearing more information about the Conciliation Conference process.
Over this weekend WAAG will try to contact people who live in these streets and who spoke at the PAC public meeting and who would be available to speak at the 23rd September conference.
Kind regards,
* Northbridge Library, 258 Sailors Bay Rd is on the right hand side of the road when travelling east and is located between Gunyah St and Namoi Rd.