Message from Willoughby Area Action Group – Channel 9

Greetings again to all on our Channel 9 contact list,

Channel 9’s proposal has not been approved despite what you may have read in some newspaper articles and we are gearing up for the next step in our campaign.

The PAC has called a public meeting for 4pm Wednesday 19th February at the Willoughby Uniting Church, 10 Clanwilliam Street, Willoughby, to hear the community’s views about Channel 9’s 450 apartment proposed development.

This meeting will give community members the opportunity to explain how the Department of Planning has got it wrong with their recommendation to approve the development.

The Department of Planning’s assessment report provides us with plenty of material that clearly undermines their recommendation.

The Channel 9 fight is not over and we have a good opportunity at the 19th Feb meeting to put things right.
We already have a number of people who have indicated that they’ll speak at this meeting, but we’d love to have more.

WAAG is running a workshop at 7.30pm on 11 Feb at the Artarmon library hall. At this workshop we will help provide speakers with the evidence that supports the argument that the Department of Planning has got it wrong.

We are in good shape but need as much community support as possible.

So we encourage you to register with the PAC to speak and to come along to WAAG’s workshop where we’ll help provide you with some real ammunition to support your concerns. To register to speak please call Stephanie Calderaro at the PAC on 9283 2112 by 1pm Monday 17th February.

Kind regards,
